Current Account

The Current Account is a fully operational account, suitable for businesses. With a minimum average monthly balance of USD/EURO/GBP 50,000, our Current Account offers great value such as unlimited free transactions to meet your regular banking needs. You can also use this account for wiring funds. The Current Account is available in USD/EURO/GBP as well as in all major currencies.


Irrespective of your field of business, we provide you with a wide range of financing solutions at competitive prices to meet your day-to-day business needs. Whether you are looking to expand your business or just manage cash flows, our Relationship Managers will assist you with all your specific requirement.

Over Draft

Admak Bank

Letter of Credit

Commercial Letters of Credit are extensively used as a means of payment in the overseas trade as they help with mitigating the payment risk involved in dealing with importers or exporters. Bank of Sharjah helps you in the import of goods for local consumption or re-exports by offering numerous types of Letters of Credit including

  • Sight Letters of Credit
  • Deferred Payment Letters of Credit
  • Revolving Letters of Credit
  • Standby Letters of Credit
  • Transferable Letters of Credit

Letter of Guarantee

Admak Bank provides Letter of Guarantee facility on behalf of its customers for various business obligations. These Letters of Guarantee can be issued against cash deposit or customers facilities, or to correspondents against other Banks' counter guarantees.

Different types of guarantees being offered are:

  • Car, telephone, shipping, tender contract
  • Bid bonds
  • Performance bonds
  • Advance payment bonds
  • Retention money guarantee
  • Maintenance guarantee
  • Labor guarantee
  • Customs duty guarantee.